Highlights @ Artisan Resource NY NOW

Dear friends,

Thank you to all who visited Artisan Resource @ NY NOW and contributed to its success.  

For anyone who missed the show (and the snowy weather and Super Bowl fans), take a peek at the new  Artisan Resource directory for information on exhibitors and events. With 23 countries represented, Artisan Resource was a rich sourcing opportunity for US importers!

ByHand Consulting's work continues to expand and we couldn't do it without all your involvement. ByHand helped 20 artisan enterprises prepare for Artisan Resource by providing expertise in merchandising, product development, business mentoring, and sales support. Their success was measured in orders, buyer contacts and a broader knowledge of the US market structure and opportunities. 

In partnership with HAND/EYE Fund, we launched the first Design Council event on Super Bowl Sunday. The Design Council is a group of seasoned design professionals from the home, fashion and accessories industries. More than 40 Design Council volunteers attended Artisan Resource to offer their feedback on design, display, merchandising and more to exhibitors. Let us know if you would like to get involved.

Stay tuned for updates on our spring travel adventures and the new artisan enterprises we are partnering with.     


Annie, Colvin & Karen

For additional information about our programs to connect artisans to markets, please contact info@byhandconsulting.com


Highlights from Colvin's trip to Peru...


Follow the Silk Route to Artisan Resource @ NY NOW